
Showing posts from November, 2010


ATTENTION GPS/GOOGLE MAPS ARE NOT CORRECT Please follow our DIRECTIONS *Bus Drivers* Call for directions as there is a Weight Bearing Bridge on 108 Avenue - Thank you!  Directions from the West Side of Des Moines: - Take I-35 South to New Virginia Exit 43 (about 29 miles from I-235 Freeway). - Turn Left onto G76 heading East into Town. As you approach town, the road curves northerly. You will come to a STOP Sign in New Virginia. - Turn Right (EAST) onto Broadway (also known as Hwy G76). - Continue about 7 miles on this curvy road until you reach Hwy 69.  (THIS IS IMPORTANT -- GPS systems want you to turn right shortly after you get out of town -- this is NOT CORRECT-- You must travel at least 7 miles on Hwy G76 until you get to Hwy 69.) - At Hwy 69 there will be a Stop Sign. - Turn RIGHT onto Hwy 69, travel about 1 city block's length - turning left at the first gravel road - 108th Avenue.  (The green